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The CPD Expo

12th & 13th November 2025
Excel London

Exhibitor Products

White Label World Expo

03 Mar 2023

Executive Coaching and Mentoring

Julia Ngapo

As a leader or manager, you are at the epicentre of your organisation. Your team looks to you for direction, support, and inspiration.

But how do you gain the support you need? To create an organisational vision of success, improve self-awareness, navigate your way from overwhelm to self-belief, to clarify your goals, and to drive your organisation forward?

Executive coaching and mentoring supports you to develop your leadership and management skills. To improve your communication and to create that strategy that ensures, as you lead, you take your team with you.

What does Executive Coaching and Mentoring cover?

My executive coaching programmes are tailored to your specific needs – no cookie-cutter template here!

Typically, we might work on communication skills, creating a clear direction and translating that into an actionable strategy, improving your or your team’s performance, goal-setting, and creating accountability – In fact, addressing any of the challenges you face on a day-to-day basis.

I will act as your sounding board, allowing you a safe space to explore your thoughts and beliefs, and working to break down any blocks to your confidence, banishing your imposter syndrome and building your resilience.

Similarly, I can work with your team, supporting them through organisational change, improving performance, and supporting your high-flyers to succeed.
